Springs Water delivery pure, clean and healthy water after removing all the contaminants using latest Reverse Osmosis Technology, which makes water safe for drinking
Springs Water Benefits:
- Pure and crystal clear water is the lifeline of the universe. Listing down the major benefits:
5 Step Purification Process
We make sure the water you drink is pure and fresh to keep you and your family hydrated and healthy.
1. Inspection: Water is inspected for impurities and then tested to check the standards. Water is transferred through clean stainless steel pipes through local wells or municipal water supply.
2. Filtration: First the water is purified through coarse filtration also called particle filtration; it can filter a 1 mm sand filter, to a 1 micron cartridge filter. Micro filtration clears microbes and filters out bacteria.
3. Activated Carbon Filtration: It removes chlorine pesticides herbicides, and other organic contaminants (especially volatile organics) are also removed at this stage.
4. Ultraviolet Filtration: Filtration provides additional product disinfection.
5. Ozone Disinfection: Ozonation relies on oxygen to ensure that our purified water remains free of any possible microbiological contamination. The final step is to maintain the quality of the pure water during packaging.
Springs Water Delivery Order
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New Filled Bottle Price = Rs. /-
*Oder Delivery in Islamabad/Rawalpindi - Coming soon!