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Arabian Pizza

  • Fusion of Middle Eastern and Italian flavors.
  • Thin, crispy crust for the perfect texture.
  • Aromatic spices and succulent marinated meats.
  • Fresh and vibrant vegetables for a burst of freshness.
  • Generously smothered in a rich, flavorful tomato sauce.
  • Meticulously crafted using the finest locally sourced ingredients.



Rs: 180 - Rs: 180


Introducing Arabian Pizza, a tantalizing delight! Our unique fusion of Middle Eastern and Italian flavors is guaranteed to transport your taste buds to a whole new level of culinary ecstasy. Picture a thin, crispy crust topped with a delectable blend of aromatic spices, succulent marinated meats, and a medley of fresh, vibrant vegetables, all generously smothered in a rich, flavorful tomato sauce. Arabian Pizza is a true feast for the senses, merging the best of both worlds into a single, unforgettable dining experience.

At Cake and Bakes, we take immense pride in our commitment to quality and excellence. Each Arabian Pizza is meticulously crafted using only the finest ingredients, sourced locally and with great care. Our skilled culinary artisans pour their passion into every step of the process, from kneading the dough to perfectly layering the toppings. The result is a pizza that surpasses expectations, delivering an explosion of taste and texture with every bite.

Indulge in the perfect blend of East meets West, and savor the symphony of flavors that will leave you craving for more. Don't miss out on this culinary masterpiece that's bound to become your new favorite. Place your order today and embark on a culinary journey like no other!

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